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Ticket Information:

  • 1 Adult - Two Day Workshop: $750.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply





Get ready to experience a whole new universe of possibilities.

What exactly is Healing Energy?
Where does it come from, and how do we tap into it?
What are the universal rules that healing energy follows?
How does it actually work to heal our bodies?

Not only are there some fundamental healing energy laws to follow, but also proven methods to feel, experience, and manipulate the healing energy within yourself.

The method is taught directly from the 200-page glossy book ‘Unconditional Energy Healing’ by the author Brett Elliott at his secluded waterfront clinical practice in Tauranga.
An interactive workshop that allows you to participate with workbooks, diagrams, brainstorms & object lessons.

Brett Elliott has over 25 Years of practice as an energy healer and has helped many thousands of his clients learn to heal themselves. You will also be able to use this technique in practice and help others to heal.

2-day Workshop - Outline

Day 1 — Understanding Unconditional Healing Energy

- Attaining Universal Consciousness - You will understand exactly what universal consciousness is, to put us in the right space for unconditional healing

- Transcending the Ego - The most important step to achieving universal consciousness is outlined

- Understanding Universal Laws of Energy Flow - The basic physics of universal energy flow is explained, and how it also applies to us

- Understanding a Higher Law of Energy Exchange - This lesson corrects quite possibly the most common human error in energy flow

- Understanding Exactly What Healing Energy Is - Delving into the exact nature of healing energy by comparing modern scientific knowledge

- Clearly Identifying What Healing Energy Feels Like - How to identify when you have actually come into contact with healing energy

- Tuning Yourself In to Receive Healing Energy - Understanding the science of attunement and how it applies to us

- Becoming an Effortless Resonator - Setting yourself up to receive using practical examples of resonance

- Connecting to The Energy Source - A clear explanation of how we can disconnect and reconnect

- Tapping Into an Energy Experience - A three-step method, allowing you to gain a direct experience of healing energy

- Practical Observation/meditation Method - Practice to get your first energy experience

Day 2 — Using Unconditional Healing Energy

- How We Become Unwell/complex - See vividly how our life experiences turn into a disease complex.

- How to Attain Health/simple - Understand how we can simplify our energy and how this triggers healing

- Opening the Channel for Energy - See how blockages can be cleared with a simple groundbreaking channeling principle

- A Whole New Universe- Prepare to have your universe flipped inside out and see how infinite energy is available

- Programming Yourself to Heal - Tapping into the power of your mind in a whole new way, upgrading your DNA

- Using Your Hands - A simple universal hands-on method that can be applied in any setting

- Healing Others - Everything you need to help others with your new technique

- Hands-on Practical - An actual healing session where you can practice on each other

What People Are Saying
Beautifully lead, keep it open to all understandings of spiritual understanding. I enjoyed the practical hands-on, the hospitality, and the love. All participants were seeking the same direction, healing for themselves and others. Verna.

A tremendous experience, the course is very well structured and I learned a lot through this experience. I am leaving invigorated and grateful, so pleased to have met such lovely people. I enjoyed getting to understand the logic behind the concepts. Helen

I really enjoyed how well Brett had structured all of the content, I felt like it flowed well and complex topics were easy to digest. And the best bit was getting to put all of the theory into practice I really enjoyed Brett’s knowingness, humbleness & amazing diagrams.

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